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Paphiopedilum purpurascens   FOWLIE

Section: Barbata

Synonym: Paph. javanicum var. purpurascens


Paph. purpurascens was obtained from Dr. Fowlie described as a new species in Orchid Digest July/August 1974. However, this description is not recognized by many taxonomists, but the Paph. javanicum or virens. However, the flower, the staminodium and the leaves differ from both species.

The exact location of this species is not known, there are conflicting statements about it. While some "experts" the locality of Paph. purpurascens in the border area of Sabah / Kalimantan / Sarawak (Source: Sheila Collenette Expedition 1959 + Dr. Fowlie), plants of this species were found in Sumatra in the 1980s and 1990s.

A comparison of this kind with Paph. javanicum and Paph. virens is under the blog: the Paph. javanicum complex to find.









From an offspring of this species, a plant emerged that could be called the color variant "semi alba":