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Paphiopedilum tortipetalum   FOWLIE

Section: Barbata

Synonym: Paph. bullenianum; Paph. bullenianum var. tortipetalum


Paph. tortipetalum was only discovered in 1988 by Dr. Fowlie has been found growing at Mount Barisan Pass east of Payakumbuh (Sumatra, Indonesia) at an altitude of 900 meters.

Many taxonomists see this species merely as a synonym or variety of Paph. bullenianum.

Paphiopedilum bullenianum - amabile - bundtii - celebesense - johorense - tortipetalum - amboinense - ceramense DSCN0013-1

Paphiopedilum bullenianum - amabile - bundtii - celebesense - johorense - tortipetalum - amboinense - ceramense DSCN0018-1   Paphiopedilum bullenianum - amabile - bundtii - celebesense - johorense - tortipetalum - amboinense - ceramense DSCN0022-1