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Paphiopedilum wenshanense   LIU & ZHANG

Section: Concolaria

Synonym: Paph. x wenshanense


Paphiopedilum x wenshanense was discovered in 2000 by Z.J.Liu & J.Yong Zhang as a natural hybrid between Paph. concolor and Paph. bellatulum from plants found in the Chinese province of Yunnan. Both species belong to the Paphiopedilum section Brachypetalum.

They were used for horticultural crossings even before their natural hybrid was found and called Paphiopedilum conco-bellatulum. Occasionally Paph. x wenshanense erroneously also as a synonym for Paph. bellatulum construed.

Today the Paph applies. wenshanense as "good" kind.



Paphiopedilum x wenshanense Paph_x11  



Pictures from Yi Cheng Deng, Yunnan