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Paph. barbigerum vs Paph. coccineum


Paph. barbigerum and Paph. coccineum are not always easy to distinguish. It is therefore advantageous if both species are flowering and you can photograph the plants next to each other. Both species flower for about 3-4 weeks.

While Paph. barbigerum occurs in southern China (Kweichow Province) and northern Vietnam at altitudes of up to 1200 meters, Paph. coccineum grows in the Cao Bang and Lao Chai provinces in north/west Vietnam at altitudes of 600-1000 meters. It is also said to grow in the northern border area between Vietnam and China - however, these occurrences have not been confirmed.

It is difficult to take a group photo with several flowering plants. While the plants that bloomed first already show slight signs of wilting, the last flowers have yet to fully open.


And here are individual flowers and the staminodes of Paph. barbigerum:






Paph. coccineum:




More pictures of these two can be seen here: