Paphiopedilum barbigerum TANG & WANG
Section: Paphiopedilum
Paph. barbigerum occurs in southern China (Kweichow Province) and northern Vietnam at altitudes of up to 1200 meters.
Paph. barbigerum var. aureum
Paph. barbigerum var. lannaense - previously: Paph. charlesworthii var. lannaense (vgl. hier:
Andre Schuitemann (Kew Garden, London) has this species in Paphiopedilum barbigerum TANG & WANG var. lannaense (TONGKHAM & BUNDTITHYA) SCHUIT. comb.nov recombined (cf. Orchideenjournal issue 2 2022 - VDOF) - previously this species was known as Paph. charlesworthii var. lannaense and has been described. It remains to be seen to what extent other taxonomists will recognize this rearrangement. The new variant is therefore at this point and under Paph. charlesworthii shown.